
 So Yeong Jeong, Tae-Woo Lee, Kyung Cheol Choi*, and Eun Gyo Jeong*, "Flexible Transparent Multifunctional Electrodes with Enhanced Stability for OLEDs: Integration of Electrode and Encapsulation Functions ", IEEE Electron Device Letters, , , 2025, , February, Published

Junwoo Lee‡, Chang-Yeon Gu‡, Jaehyeock Chang, Eun Hae Cho, Taek-Soo Kim* and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Analytic Modeling and Validation of Strain in Textile-Based OLEDs for Advanced Textile Display Technologies ", npj Flexible Electronics, 8, 1, 2024, 73, October, Published


Chan Young Kim‡, Yong Ha Hwang‡, Jaehyeock Chang, Seong Uk Kong, Sang-Hee Ko Park, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "High Mobility, Low Off-Current, and Flexible Fiber-Based a-InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors toward Wearable Textile OLED Displays ", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, , , 2024, , October, Published


Sumin Kang, Jaehyeock Chang, Jaeseung Lim, Dong Jun Kim, Taek-Soo Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi, Jae Hak Lee, and Seungman Kim*, "Graphene-enabled laser lift-off for ultrathin displays ", Nature Communications, 15, 1, 2024, 8288, September, Published


Sol Hui Park‡, Nam Kyeong Lee‡, Ji Hyun Han, Sung-Hwa Eo, Yongjin Park, Kyung Cheol Choi, Yun Jung Lee*, "High-capacity ultra-thin flexible lithium-ion batteries with enhanced rate capability by a cast all-in-one cathode-separator-anode monolith ", Journal of Materials Chemistry A, , , 2024, , September, Published


Ho Seung Lee+, Seong Uk Kong+, Seonil Kwon, Ha-Eun Cho, Byeongju Noh, Yong Ha Hwang, Seungyeop Choi, Dohong Kim, Jun Hee Han, Tae-Woo Lee, Yongmin Jeon*, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Fiber Toward All-In-One Clothing-Type Health Monitoring ", ACS Nano, , , 2024, , July, Published


Yongjin Park, Hye-Ryung Choi, Jung Won Shin, Chang-Hun Huh, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "A wearable OLED medical device for enhanced cutaneous wound healing and patient comfort: revolutionizing dermatology ", Journal of Information Display, 25, 2, 2024, 151-156, July, Published


Juri Kim†, Hyejeong Yeon†, Hye-Ryung Choi, Soon Mo Park, Chang-Hun Huh, Kyung Cheol Choi*, Dong Ki Yoon* , "Highly Efficient Organic Light Emitting Diode Using DNA as Scattering Layer ", Advanced Optical Materials, , , 2024, , June, Published


Minwoo Nam+, Jaehyeock Chang+, Hagseon Kim, Young Hyun Son, Yongmin Jeon, Jeong Hyun Kwon*, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Highly reliable and stretchable OLEDs based on facile patterning method: Toward stretchable organic optoelectronic devices ", npj Flexible Electronics, 8, 1, 2024, 17, March, Published


Eun Hae Cho , Hye-Ryung Choi, Yongjin Park, So Yeong Jeong, Young Jin Song, Yong Ha Hwang, Junwoo Lee, Yun Chi, Sheng-Fu Wang, Yongmin Jeon, Chang-Hun Huh*, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Wearable and Wavelength-Tunable Near-Infrared Organic Light- Emitting Diodes for Biomedical Applications ", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, , , 2023, , December, Published


Sangmin Lee+, Yongmin Jeon+, Seung Jin Oh, Sun-Woo Lee, Kyung Cheol Choi* , Taek-Soo Kim*, Jeong Hyun Kwon*, "Study of Mechanical Degradation of Freestanding ALD Al2O3 by Hygrothermal Environment and Facile Protective Method for Environmentally Stable Al2O3: Toward Highly Reliable Wearable OLEDs ", Materials Horizons, , , 2023, , August, Published


Yongjin Park, Hye-Ryung Choi, Jung Won Shin*, Chang-Hun Huh*, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "A Wearable OLED Medical Device for Enhanced Cutaneous Wound Healing and Patient Comfort: Revolutionizing Dermatology ", Journal of Information Display, , , 2023, , July, Published


Seung Jin Oh, Sangmin Lee, Kyung Cheol Choi, Jeong Hyun Kwon*, Taek-Soo Kim*, "Elucidating the Effect of Ag Interlayer Formation on the Intrinsic Mechanical Properties of Free-standing ITO/Ag/ITO Thin Films ", Journal of Materials Chemistry C, , , 2023, , May, Published


So Yeong Jeong, Yongmin Jeon, Eunji Kim, Gibok Lee, Yeon-Wha Oh, Chi Won Ahn, Eun Hae Cho, Yonghee Lee*, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Front Cover] Highly Air-stable, Flexible, and Water-resistive 2D Titanium Carbide MXene-based RGB Organic Light Emitting Diode Displays for Transparent Free-form Electronics ", ACS nano, , , 2023, , March, Published


Ho Seung Lee, Byeongju Noh, Seong Uk Kong, Yong Ha Hwang, Ha-Eun Cho, Yongmin Jeon* and Kyung Cheol Choi* , "Fiber-based Quantum-dot Pulse Oximetry for Wearable Health Monitoring with High Wavelength Selectivity and Photoplethysmogram Sensitivity ", npj Flexible Electronics, 7, 15, 2023, , March, Published


Hyeonwook Chae, Yongjin Park, Yehhyun Jo, Yongmin Jeon, Hyunjoo Jenny Lee, Seunghyup Yoo, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Blue Transparent OLEDs with High Stability and Transmittance for Modulating Sleep Disorders ", Advanced Materials Interfaces , , , 2023, , March, Published


Junhong Park+, Chan Young Kim+, Myeong Ji Kim+, Seungyeop Choi, Yong Ha Hwang, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Flexible, transparent, high mobility amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin film transistors fabricated on textile ", ACS Applied Electronic Materials, , , 2023, , March, Accepted


Seong Uk Kong, Yongmin Jeon, Ho Seung Lee, Yong Ha Hwang, Jaehyeock Chang, Hagseon Kim, Chan Young Kim and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Inside Back Cover] Anode-Patterned Monorail-Structure Fiber-Based Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Long Lifetime and High Performance for Truly Wearable Displays ", Advanced Optical Materials, , , 2023, , March, Published


Yongjin Park+, Gyeong Seok Lee+, Woochan Lee+, Seunghyup Yoo*, Yun-Hi Kim*, and Kyung-Cheol Choi*, "Heteroleptic Ir(III)-based Near-Infrared Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with High Radiance Capacity ", Scientific reports, 13, , 2023, , January, Published


Seungyeop Choi+, Yongmin Jeon+, Jeong Hyun Kwon+, Chunhwa Ihm*, Seung Yeon Kim*, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Frontispiece] Wearable Photomedicine for Neonatal Jaundice Treatment using Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs): Toward Textile-based Wearable Phototherapeutics ", Advanced Science, 9, , 2022, 2204622, December, Published


Junwoo Lee, Seungyeop Choi, Tae-Woo Lee, Yong Ha Hwang, Yongjin Park, So Yeong Jeong and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Back Cover] RGB-color textile-based flexible and transparent OLEDs considering aesthetics ", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 10, 2, 2022, , November, Published


Yong Ha Hwang, Seong Uk Kong, Chan Young Kim, Junwoo Lee, Ha-Eun Cho, So Yeong Jeong and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Front Cover][Invited review paper] Organic Light-Emitting Fibers and Fabrics for Truly Wearable Smart Displays—Recent Progress and Future Opportunities ", Journal of the Society for Information Display, , , 2022, , October, Published


Yongjin Park+, Hye-Ryung Choi+, Yongmin Jeon, Hyuncheol Kim, Jung Won Shin, Chang-Hun Huh, Kyoung-Chan Park*, and Kyung-Cheol Choi*, "Cell proliferation effect of deep-penetrating microcavity tandem NIR OLEDs with therapeutic trend analysis ", Scientific reports, 12, , 2022, , June, Published


Yong Ha Hwang, Byeongju Noh, Junwoo Lee, Ho Seung Lee, Yongjin Park and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Inside Front Cover] High-Performance and Reliable White Organic Light-Emitting Fibers for Truly Wearable Textile Displays ", Advanced Science, , , 2022, , January, Published


Youson Kim, Junmo Kim, Chan Young Kim, Taehyun Lee, Chungryeol Lee, Kihoon Jeong, Woosung Jo, Seunghyup Yoo, Taek-soo Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi, and Sung Gap Im, "A modulus-engineered multi-layer polymer film with mechanical robustness for the application to highly deformable substrate platform in stretchable electronics ", Chemical Engineering Journal, 431, , 2021, 134074, December, Published


Hyuncheol Kim, Hye-Ryung Choi, Yongjin Park, Yongmin Jeon, Ho Seung Lee, Eun Gyo Jeong, Kyoung-Chan Park, and Kyung Cheol Choi, "A Flexible and Wavelength-Designable Polymer Light-Emitting Diode Employing Sandwich-Encapsulation for Wearable Skin Rejuvenation Photomedicine ", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 8, 24, 2021, 2100856, November, Published


Tae-Woo Lee, Dohong Kim, Jun Hee Han, Somin Lee, Hoseung Lee, Seungyeop Choi, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Suppressing surface plasmon losses to improve the efficiency of blue organic light-emitting diodes using the plasmonic quasi-bandgap phenomenon ", , 9, 9, 2021, 1784-1795, September, Published


So Yeong Jeong+, Hye Rin Shim+, Yunha Na, Ki Suk Kang, Yongmin Jeon, Seungyeop Choi, Eun Gyo Jeong, Yong Cheon Park, Ha-Eun Cho, Junwoo Lee, Jeong Hyun Kwon, Sung Gap Im* & Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Foldable and washable textile-based OLEDs with a multi-functional near-room-temperature encapsulation layer for smart e-textiles ", npj Flexible Electronics, 5, 15, 2021, , July, Published


Yongjin Park+, Gyeong Seok Lee+, Dr. Hye-Ryung Choi, Yongmin Jeon, So Yeong Jeong, Byeongju Noh, Kyoung-Chan Park*, Prof. Yun-Hi Kim*, Prof. Kyung-Cheol Choi*, "[Front Cover] Thienothiophenyl-isoquinoline Iridium Complex-based Deep Red to Near-Infrared Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Low Driving Voltage and High Radiant Emittance for Practical Biomedical Applications ", Advanced Photonics Research, , , 2021, , June, Published


Seung-jin Oh+, Jeong Hyun Kwon+, Kyung Cheol Choi*, Taek-Soo Kim*, "Unveiling the Annealing-Dependent Mechanical Properties of Freestanding Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films ", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, , , 2021, , March, Published


Yong Ha Hwang, Seonil Kwon, Jeong Bin Shin, Hyuncheol Kim, Young Hyun Son, Ho Seung Lee, Byeongju Noh, Minwoo Nam, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Front Cover] Bright-Multicolor, Highly Efficient, and Addressable Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Fibers: Toward Wearable Textile Information Displays ", Advanced Functional Materials, , , 2021, , February, Published


Yongmin Jeon+, Ilkoo Noh+, Young Cheol Seo+, Jun Hee Han, Yongjin Park, Eun Hae Cho, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Parallel-Stacked Flexible Organic Light-Emitting Diodes for Wearable Photodynamic Therapeutics and Color-Tunable Optoelectronics ", ACS Nano, , , 2020, , November, Published


Seungyeop Choi , Woosung Jo , Yongmin Jeon , Seonil Kwon , Jeong Hyun Kwon , Young Hyun Son , Junmo Kim , Jun Hong Park , Hyuncheol Kim , Ho Seung Lee , Minwoo Nam , Eun Gyo Jeong , Jeong Bin Shin , Taek-Soo Kim and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Multi-directionally wrinkle-able textile OLEDs for clothing-type displays ", npj flexible electronics, , , 2020, , November, Published


Eungjun Kim, Jeonghyun Kwon, Cheolgyu Kim, Taek-Soo Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi, Seunghyup Yoo*, "design of ultrathin oleds having oxide-based transparent electrodes and encapsulation with sub-mm bending radius ", , 82, , 2020, , July, Published


Ki Suk Kang, So Yeong Jeong, Eun Gyo Jeong* and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Reliable high temperature, high humidity flexible thin film encapsulation using Al2O3/MgO nanolaminates for flexible OLEDs ", Nano Research, , , 2020, , June, Published


Yongmin Jeon, Hye-Ryung Choi, Kyoung-Chan Park and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Front Cover][Distinguished Paper of SID 2020] Flexible OLED-based Photonic Skin for Attachable Phototherapeutics ", Journal of the Society for Information Display, 28, 4, 2020, 324-332, April, Published


Jinouk Song+, Hyeonwoo Lee+, Eun Gyo Jeong+, Kyung Cheol Choi*, Seunghyup Yoo*, "Organic Light‐Emitting Diodes: Pushing toward the Limits and Beyond ", Advanced Materials, , , 2020, , March, Published


Myung Sub Lim†, Minwoo Nam†, Seungyeop Choi, Yongmin Jeon, Young Hyun Son, Sung-Min Lee, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Two-Dimensionally Stretchable Organic Light-Emitting Diode with Elastic Pillar Arrays for Stress Relief ", Nano Letters, , , 2020, , January, Published


Young Jin Song, Jae-Won Kim, Ha-Eun Cho, Young Hyun Son, Min Ho Lee, Jaegab Lee, Kyung Cheol Choi, Sung-Min Lee*, "Fibertronic Organic Light-Emitting Diodes toward Fully Addressable, Environmentally Robust, Wearable Displays ", ACS Nano, 14, 1, 2020, 1133, January, Published


Yongmin Jeon†, Hye-Ryung Choi†, Jeong Hyun Kwon, Seongyeop Choi, Kyung Mi Nam , Kyoung-Chan Park* and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Sandwich-structure Transferable Free-form OLEDs for Wearable and Disposable Skin Wound Photomedicine ", Light: Science & Applications, 8, 114, 2019, , December, Published


Mingue Shin,† Ho Seung Lee†, Young Chul Sim, Yong-Hoon Cho, Kyung Cheol Choi*, Byungha Shin*, "Modulation of Growth Kinetics of Vacuum-Deposited CsPbBr3 Films for Efficient Light-Emitting Diodes ", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 1, 2019, 1944, December, Published


Eun Gyo Jeong, Jeong Hyun Kwon, Ki Suk Kang, So Yeong Jeong, and Kyung Cheol Choi, "A review of highly reliable flexible encapsulation technologies toward rollable and foldable OLEDs ", Journal of Information Display, , , 2019, , November, Published


Seonil Kwon, Yong Ha Hwang, Minwoo Nam, Hyeonwook Chae, Ho Seung Lee, Yongmin Jeon, Somin Lee, Chan Young Kim, Seungyeop Choi, Eun Gyo Jeong, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Recent Progress of Fiber Shaped Lighting Devices for Smart Display Applications—A Fibertronic Perspective ", Advanced Materials, , , 2019, 1903488, September, Published


Jeong Woo Park+, Seonil Kwon+, Jeong Hyun Kwon, Chan Young Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Low-Leakage Fiber-Based Field-Effect Transistors with an Al2O3–MgO Nanolaminate as Gate Insulator ", ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 1, 8, 2019, 1400-1407, August, Published


Seok Ho Cho, Sung-Min Lee* and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Back Cover] Improved efficiency of polymer solar cells by plasmonically enhanced photon recycling ", Sustainable Energy & Fuels, , , 2019, , June, Published


Seok Ho Cho, Jaegab Lee, Mi Jung Lee, Hyo Jin Kim, Sung-Min Lee* and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Plasmonically Engineered Textile Polymer Solar Cells for High-Performance, Wearable Photovoltaics ", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, , , 2019, , May, Published


Jeong Hyun Kwon, Yongmin Jeon, Do-Geun Kim, Seunghun Lee, Sangmin Lee, Taek-Soo Kim, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Low-Temperature and Corrosion-Resistant Gas Diffusion Multi-Barrier with UV and Heat Rejection Capability – A Strategy to Ensure Reliability of Organic Electronics ", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 18, 2019, 16776-16784, April, Published


Eun Gyo Jeong+, Yongmin Jeon+, Seok Ho Cho*, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Back Cover] Textile-based washable polymer solar cells for optoelectronic modules: Toward self-powered smart clothing ", Energy & Environmental Science, , , 2019, , January, Published


Jeong Hyun Kwon, Eun Gyo Jeong, Yongmin Jeon, Dogeun Kim, Seunghun Lee, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Design of Highly Water-Resistant, Impermeable, and Flexible Thin-Film Encapsulation Based on Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Layers ", ACS applied materials & interfaces, 11, 3, 2019, 3251-3261, January, Published


Jeong Hyun Kwon, Yongmin Jeon, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Robust Transparent and Conductive Gas Diffusion Multi-Barrier Based on Mg- and Al-Doped ZnO as ITO-Free Electrodes for Organic Electronics ", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 38, 2018, 32387-32396, August, Published


Joon-Kyu Han, Jun-Young Park, Choong-Ki Kim, Jeong Hyun Kwon, Myeong-Soo Kim, Byeong-woon Hwang, Da-jin Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi, and Yang-Kyu Choi*, "Electrothermal Annealing to Enhance the Electrical Performance of an Exfoliated MoS2 Field-Effect Transistor ", IEEE Electron Device Letters, , , 2018, , August, Published


Dohong Kim, Kie Young Woo, Jun Hee Han, Tae-Woo Lee, Ho Seung Lee, Yong-Hoon Cho, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Nano-sinusoidal Surface Zinc Oxide for Optical Out-coupling of Inverted Organic Light-Emitting Diodes ", ACS Photonics, 5, 10, 2018, 4061-4067, August, Published


Jeong Hyun Kwon, Yongmin Jeon, Seungyeop Choi, Hyuncheol Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Synergistic gas diffusion multilayer architecture based on nanolaminate and inorganic-organic hybrid organic layer ", Journal of Information Display, 19, 3, 2018, 135-142, June, Published


Yong Min Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Distortion analysis of periodic ring patterns fabrication using surface plasmon interference lithography with an Al hexagonal grating structure on glass ", IEEE transactions on nanotechnology, 17, 3, 2018, 432-436, May, Published


Jun Hee Han, Dohong Kim, Tae-Woo Lee, Yongmin Jeon, Ho Seung Lee, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Color purifying optical nano-thin film for three primary colors in optoelectronics ", ACS Photonics, , , 2018, , May, Accepted


Jun Hee Han, Dohong Kim, Tae-Woo Lee, Eun Gyo Jeong, Ho Seung Lee and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Ultra-High-Resolution Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Color Conversion Electrode ", ACS Photonics, 5, 5, 2018, 1891-1897, April, Published


Jeong Hyun Kwon, Jun Hong Park, Myung Keun Lee, Jeong Woo Park, Yongmin Jeon, Jeong Bin Shin, Minwoo Nam, Choong-Ki Kim, Yang-Kyu Choi and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Low-Temperature Fabrication of Robust, Transparent, and Flexible Thin Film Transistor with Nano-Laminated Insulator ", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, , , 2018, , April, Published


Yongmin Jeon+, Hye-Ryung Choi+, Myungsub Lim, Seungyeop Choi, Hyuncheol Kim, Jeong Hyun Kwon, Kyoung-Chan Park* and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Front Cover] A Wearable Photobiomodulation Patch Using a Flexible Red-Wavelength OLED and Its in Vitro Differential Cell Proliferation Effects ", Advanced Materials Technologies, 3, 5, 2018, 1700391, March, Published


Seonil Kwon, Hyuncheol Kim, Seungyeop Choi, Eun Gyo Jeong, Dohong Kim, Somin Lee, Hoseung Lee, Young Cheol Seo, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Weavable and Highly Efficient Organic Light-Emitting Fibers for Wearable Electronics: Achieved by a Scalable, Low-Temperature Process ", Nano Letters, 18, 1, 2018, 347-356, January, Published


Young Gyu Moon+, Yun Seon Do+, Min Ho Lee+, Bo Yeon Hwang, Dong Jun Jeong, Byeong-Kwon Ju* and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Plasmonic Chromatic Electrode with Low Resistivity ", Scientific Reports, 7, 1, 2017, 15206, November, Published


Jeong Hyun Kwon, Yongmin Jeon, Seungyeop Choi, Park Jeong Woo, Hyuncheol Kim, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Functional Design of Highly Robust and Flexible Thin-Film Encapsulation Composed of Quasi-perfect Sublayers for Transparent, Flexible Displays ", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 50, 2017, 43983, November, Published


Myeong-Cheol Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Resistive switching characteristics of Al2O3 film for transparent nonvolatile memory ", IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology, , , 2017, , September, Accepted


Myeong-Cheol Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Transparent and flexible resistive random access memory based on Al2O3 film with multilayer electrodes ", IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 64, 8, 2017, 3508-3510, August, Published


Myung Keun Lee+, Choong-Ki Kim+, Jeong Woo Park, Eungtaek Kim, Myeong-Lok Seol, Jun-Young Park, Yang-Kyu Choi, Sang-Hee Ko. Park, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Electro-thermal Annealing (ETA) Method for Recovery of Cyclic Bending Stress in Flexible a-IGZO TFTs ", IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 64, 8, 2017, 3189-3192, August, Published


Jeong Hyun Kwon, Seungyeop Choi, Yongmin Jeon, Hyuncheol Kim, Ki Soo Chang, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Functional Design of Dielectric-Metal-Dielectric based Thin Film Encapsulation with Heat Transfer and Flexibility for Flexible Displays ", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9, 32, 2017, 27062, July, Published


Seungyeop Choi, Seonil Kwon, Hyuncheol Kim, Woohyun Kim, Jung Hyun Kwon, Myung Sub Lim, Ho Seung Lee and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Highly Flexible and Efficient Fabric-Based Organic Light-Emitting Devices for Clothing-Shaped Wearable Displays (one of the top 100 read physics papers among more than 3000 Scientific Reports\' papers in 2017) ", Scientific Reports, , , 2017, , July, Published


Sung-Min LEE, Jeong Hyun Kwon, Seonil Kwon, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "[Invited Review paper] A Review of Flexible OLEDs Toward Highly Durable Unusual Displays ", IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, 64, 5, 2017, 1922-1931, May, Published


Eun Gyo Jeong, Seonil Kwon, Jun Hee Han, Hyeon-Gyun Im, Byeong-Soo Bae, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "A Mechanically Enhanced Hybrid Nano-stratified Barrier with Defect Suppression Mechanism for Highly Reliable Flexible OLEDs ", Nanoscale, 9, 19, 2017, 6370-6379, April, Published


Jun Hee Han, Do-hong Kim, Eun Gyo Jeong, Tae-Woo Lee, Myung Keun Lee, Jeong Woo Park, Hoseung Lee, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Highly Conductive Transparent and Flexible Electrodes including Double Stacked Thin Metal Films for Transparent Flexible Electronics ", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 19, 2017, 16343-16350, April, Published


Yonghee Lee+ , Somang Kim+ , Hyo Seok Kim+ , Jeong Bin Shin , Wonseok Choi , Hyunjin Cho , Kyungmok Kim , Taeyang Lee , Jinook Kim , In-byeong Kang , Kyung Cheol Choi , Yong-Hoon Kim* and Duk Young Jeon*, "Highly Luminescent Blue-emitting CdZnS/ZnS nanorods having Electric Field Induced Fluorescence Switching property ", Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5, , 2017, 2098-2106, January, Accepted


Woo Jae Jang,Myung Keun Lee, Jinhan Yoo, Eungtaek Kim, Dae Young Yang,Junhong Park,Jeong Woo Park,Sang-Hee Ko Park,Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Low-Resistive High-Work-Function Gate Electrode for Transparent a-IGZO TFTs ", IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 64, 1, 2017, 164-169, January, Published


Choong-Ki Kim+, Eun Gyo Jeong+, Eungtaek Kim, Jeong-Gyu Song, Youngjun Kim, Whang Je Woo, Myung Keun Lee, Hagyoul Bae, Seung-Bae Jeon, Hyungjun Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi*, Yang-Kyu Choi*, "Highly Stable 2D Material (2DM) Field-Effect-Transistors (FETs) with Wafer-Scale Multi-dyad Encapsulation ", Nanotechnology, 28, 5, 2016, 055203, December, Published


Woohyun Kim+, Seonil Kwon+, Yun Cheol Han, Eungtaek Kim, Kyung Cheol Choi*, Sin-Hyeok Kang, and Byoung-Cheul Park, "[Front Cover] Reliable actual fabric-based organic light-emitting diodes: toward a wearable display ", Advanced Electronic Materials, 2, 11, 2016, 1600220, November, Published


Woo Jae Jang, Myung Keun Lee, Jinhan Yoo, Eungtaek Kim, Dae Young Yang, Junhong Park, Jeong Woo Park, Sang-Hee Ko Park* and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Low-resistive high-work-function gate electrode for transparent a-IGZO TFTs ", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, , , 2016, , November, Accepted


Eun Sung Kim, Yong Min Kim, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Surface plasmon assisted nanolithography with a perfect contact aluminum mask of a hexagonal dot array ", Plasmonics, 11, 5, 2016, 1337-1342, October, Published


Choong-Ki Kim+, Eungtaek Kim+, Myung Keun Lee, Jun-Young Park, Myeong-Lok Seol, Hagyoul Bae, Tewook Bang, Seung-Bae Jeon, Sungwoo Jun, Sang-hee K. Park, Kyung Cheol Choi, and Yang-Kyu Choi*, "Electrothermal Annealing (ETA) Method to Enhance the Electrical Performance of Amorphous-Oxide-Semiconductor (AOS) Thin-Film Transistors (TFTs) ", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 8, 36, 2016, 23820-23826, September, Published


Myeong-Cheol Kim, Jeong Bin Shin, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Effect of LSP in Phosphor-Converted WLEDs by Application of Ag NPs With/Without Silica Shell ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28, 17, 2016, 1894-1897, September, Published


Jun Hee Han, Dong-Young Kim, Dohong Kim, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Highly conductive and flexible color filter electrode using multi-layer film structure ", Scientific Reports , 6, , 2016, 29341, July, Published


Jungho Jin+*, Daewon Lee+, Hyeon-Gyun Im, Yun Cheol Han, Eun Gyo Jeong, Marco Rolandi, Kyung Cheol Choi, Byeong-Soo Bae*, "Chitin Nanofiber Transparent Paper for Flexible Green Electronics ", Advanced Materials, , , 2016, , May, Published


Eungtaek Kim+, Choong-Ki Kim+, Myung Keun Lee, Tewook Bang, Yang-Kyu Choi, Sang-Hee Ko Park*, Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Influence of the charge trap density distribution in a gate insulator on the positive-bias stress instability of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide thin-film transistors ", Applied Physics Letters, , , 2016, , May, Published


Yun Cheol Han, Eun Gyo Jeong, Hyuncheol Kim, Seonil Kwon, Hyeon-Gyun Im, Byeong-Soo Bae, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Reliable thin-film encapsulation of flexible OLEDs and enhancing their bending characteristics through mechanical analysis ", RSC Advances, 6, 47, 2016, 40835-40843, April, Published


Yong Min Kim, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Pattern distortion analysis of surface plasmon interference lithography using line grating structure on photoresist ", IEEE transaction on nanotechnology, 15, 2, 2016, 220-224, March, Published


Eun Gyo Jeong+, Yun Cheol Han+, Hyeon-Gyun Im, Byeong-Soo Bae, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Highly Reliable Hybrid Nano-stratified Moisture Barrier for Encapsulating Flexible OLEDs ", Organic Electronics, 33, , 2016, 150-155, March, Published


Eungtaek Kim, Woo Jae Jang, Woohyun Kim, Junhong Park, Myung Keun Lee, Sang-Hee K. Park* and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Suppressed instability of a-IGZO Thin Film Transistors under negative bias illumination stress using the Distributed Bragg Reflectors ", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , 63, 3, 2016, 1066-1071, March, Published


Jeong Bin Shin, Se-Woong Baek, Seong Min Lee, Myeongcheol Kim, Jung-Yong Lee, and Kyung Cheol Choi*, "Efficient Green Organic Light-Emitting Diodes by Plasmonic Silver Nanoparticles ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 28, 3, 2016, 371-374, February, Published


Hagyoul Bae+, Choong-Ki Kim+, Seung-Bae Jeon, Gwang Hyuk Shin, Eung Taek Kim, Jeong-Gyu Song, Youngjun, "A Separate Extraction Method for Asymmetric Source and Drain Resistances Using Frequency-Dispersive C-V Characteristics in Exfoliated MoS2 FET ", Electron Device Letters, 37, 2, 2016, 231-233, February, Published


Choong-Ki Kim+, Chan Hak Yu+, Jae Hur, Hagyoul Bae, Seung-Bae Jeon , Hamin Park , Yong Min Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi , Yang-Kyu Choi* and Sung-Yool Choi*, "Abnormal Electrical Characteristics of Multi-layered MoS2 FETs Attributed to Bulk Traps ", 2D Materials, 3, 1, 2016, , February, Published


Dong-Young Kim+, Yun Cheol Han+ , Hyun Cheol Kim , Eun Gyo Jeong and Kyung Cheol Choi , "Highly Transparent and Flexible Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Structure Optimized for Anode/Cathode Multilayer Electrodes ", Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 46, 2015, 7145-7153, December, Published


Sung Il Ahn,Kukjoo Kim,Jura Jung and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Large and pristine films of reduced graphene oxide ", Scientific Reports , 5, 18799, 2015, , December, Published


Sung Il Ahn, Kukjoo Kim, Jura Jung, and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Large and pristine films of reduced graphene oxide ", Scientific Reports, 5, 18799, 2015, , December, Published


Hyuncheol Kim. Seonil Kwon, Seungyeop Choi and Kyung Cheol Choi, "[Invited paper] Solution-processed bottom-emitting polymer light-emitting diodes on a textile substrate towards a wearable display ", Journal of Information Display, 16, 4, 2015, 179-184, October, Published


Sung-min Lee, Yunil Cho, Dong-Young Kim, Joon-Sik Chae and Kyung Cheol Choi, "[Back Cover] Enhanced Light Extraction from Mechanically Flexible, Nanostructured Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Plasmonic Nanomesh Electrodes ", Advanced Optical Materials, 3, 9, 2015, 1240-1247, September, Published


Seonil Kwon, Woohyun Kim, Hyuncheol Kim, Seungyeop Choi, Byoung-Cheul Park,Sin-Hyeok Kang, and Kyung Cheol Choi, "[Inside Front Cover] High Luminance Fiber-Based Polymer Light-Emitting Devices by a Dip-Coating Method ", Advanced Electronic Materials, 1, 9, 2015, 1500103 (8page), September, Published


Yun Seon Do and Kyung Cheol Choi , "Poly-periodic hole arrays for angle-invariant plasmonic filters ", Optics Letters, 40, 16, 2015, 3873-3876, August, Published


Jun Hee Han, Do-Hong Kim, and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Microcavity effect using nanoparticles to enhance the efficiency of organic light -emitting diodes ", Optics Express, 23, 15, 2015, 19863-19873, July, Published


Jeong Hyun Kwon, Eungtaek Kim, Hyeon-Gyun Im, Byeong-Soo Bae, Ki Soo Chang, Sang-Hee Ko Park and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Metal-containing thin film encapsulation with flexibility and heat transfer ", Journal of Information Display, 16, 2, 2015, 123-128, June, Published


Sung-Min Lee and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Hybrid plasmon-mediated optical transmission in separated metallic layers with nanostructures ", Plasmonics, 10, 2, 2015, 391-398, April, Published


Won Joon Cho, Alum Jung, Suenghoon Han, Sung-Min Lee, Taewook Kang, Kun-Hong Lee, Kyung Cheol Choi, , "Plasmonic Colloidal Nanoparticles with Open Eccentric Cavity via Acid-induced Chemical Transformation ", NPG Asia Materials, 7, 3, 2015, e167, March, Published


Seok Ho Cho, Seong Min Lee, Woo Hyun Kim, and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Effect of Gold Nanorods in an MgO Protective Layer of AC Plasma Display Panels ", ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 7, 14, 2015, 7559-7565, March, Published


Won Joon Cho, Alum Jung, Suenghoon Han, Sung-Min Lee, Taewook Kang, Kun-Hong Lee, Kyung Cheol Choi and Jin Kon Kim, "Plasmonic colloidal nanoparticles with open eccentric cavities via acid-induced chemical transformation ", NPG asia materials, 7, 3, 2015, 1-7, March, Published


S.I.Ahn, K.J.Kim, J.R.Jung, K.Y.Kang, S.M.Lee, J.Y.Han, Kyung Cheol Choi, "Reduction of graphene oxide film with poly (vinyl alcohol) ", Chemical Physics Letters, 625, 1, 2015, 36-40, February, Published


Sung-Min Lee and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Reduction in Angle Dependence of Plasmon-Enhanced Transmission through a Nanostructured Metal Layer ", IEEE Photonics Technology letters, 27, 1, 2015, 3-6, January, Published


Do-Hong Kim , Jin Yeong Kim , Dong-Young Kim , Jun Hee Han , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Solution-based nanostructure to reduce waveguide and surface plasmon losses in organic light-emitting diodes ", Organic Electronics, 15, 11, 2014, 3183-3190, November, Published


Sung-Min Lee , Joon-Sik Chae , Dong-Young Kim , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Plasmonic nanomesh as a large-area, low-resistive transparent electrode and its application in ITO-free organic light-emitting diodes ", Organic Electronics, 15, 11, 2014, 3354-3361, November, Published


Dae Young Yang , Sung-Min Lee , Woo Jae Jang , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Flexible organic light-emitting diodes with ZnS/Ag/ZnO/Ag/WO3 multilayer electrode as a transparent anode ", Organic Electronics, 15, 10, 2014, 2468-2475, October, Published


Myeongcheol Kim , Seong Min Lee , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Optical tuning of phosphors by plasmonic gold nanoparticles for phosphor-converted white light emitting diodes ", Applied Physics Letter, 105, 14, 2014, 114119, October, Published


Seong Min Lee , Yun Seon Do , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Spectral Tuning of Europium Complex by Competition between Absorption and Scattering of Gold Nanoparticles ", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 13, 5, 2014, 939-944, September, Published


Junhong Park , Myeongcheol Kim , Jeong Bin Shin , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Transparent chromatic electrode using the mixture of silver nanowire and silver nanoprism ", Current Applied Physics, 14, 8, 2014, 1005-1009, August, Published


Dong-Young Kim , Chung Sock Choi , Jin Yeong Kim , Do Hong Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Phosphorescent Transparent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Enhanced Outcoupling Efficiency: Reduction of Surface Plasmon Losses ", Organic Electronics, 15, 6, 2014, 1222-1228, June, Published


Jin Yeong Kim , Danbi Kim , Do Hong Kim and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Analysis of out-coupling mechanism in nanostructure-embedded organic light-emitting diodes ", IEEE Photonics Technology letters, 26, 9, 2014, 896-899, May, Published


Yun Seon Do and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Quantitative analysis of enhancing extraordinary optical transmission affected by dielectric environment ", Journal of Optics, 16, 6, 2014, 65005, May, Published


Sung Il Ahn , Kukjoo Kim , Jun Young Kim , Eun Se Kim , Ji Ye Han , Ji Won Eom , Kyeong-Keun Choi , , "Reduction intermediates of graphene oxide for low temperature reduction electrode material ", RSC Advnaces, 4, , 2014, 22476-22480, May, Published


Eun Sung Kim and Kyung Cheol Choi, "The Effect of the Ratio of Lines to Spaces for Nano-Lithography Using Surface Plasmons ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, 13, 2, 2014, 203-207, March, Published


Seongpil Chang† , Yun Seon Do† , Jong-Woo Kim , Bo Yeon Hwang , Jinnil Choi , Byung-Hyun Choi , Yun-, "(Frontispiece) Photo-Insensitive Amorphous Oxide Thin-Film Transistor Integrated with Plasmonic Filter for Transparent Electronics ", Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 23, 2014, 3482-3487, March, Published


Yun Cheol Han , Myung Sub Lim , Jun Hong Park , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Optical effect of surface morphology of Ag on multi-layer electrode applications for OLEDs ", IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 35, 2, 2014, 238-240, February, Published


Kukjoo Kim , Sung Il Ahn , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Simultaneous synthesis and patterning of graphene electrodes by reactive inkjet printing ", Carbon, 66, , 2014, 172-177, January, Published


Jin Yeong Kim , Woo Hyun Kim , Do Hong Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Investigation of voltage reduction in nanostructure-embedded organic light-emitting diodes ", Organic Electronics, 15, 1, 2014, 260-265, January, Published


Yun Cheol Han , Myung Sub Lim , Jun Hong Park , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "ITO-free flexible organic light-emitting diode using ZnS/Ag/MoO3 anode incorporating a quasi-perfect Ag thin film ", Organic Electronics, 14, 12, 2013, 3437-3443, December, Published


Jeong Bin Shin , Seong Min Lee , Myeongcheol Kim , Dong Hyuk Kim , Duk Young Jeon , and Kyung Cheol , "Plasmonically Enhanced Optical Characteristics From Europium Organometallic Complex ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25, 23, 2013, 2342-2345, December, Published


Yun Seon Do , Jung Ho Park , Bo Yeon Hwang , Byeong-Kwon Ju and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Matching surface plasmon modes in symmetry -broken structures for nanohole-based color filter ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25, 24, 2013, 2454-2457, December, Published


Woohyun Kim , Seonil Kwon , Sung-Min Lee , Jinyoung Kim , Yun cheol Han , Eungtaek Kim and Kyung Che, "Soft Fabric-Based Flexible Organic Light Emitting Diodes ", Organic Electronics, 14, 10, 2013, 3007-3013, November, Published


Kukjoo Kim , Sung Il Ahn , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Direct fabrication of copper patterns by reactive inkjet printing ", Current Applied Physics, 13, 9, 2013, 1870-1873, November, Published


Chung Sock Choi , Dong-Young Kim , Sung-Min Lee , Myung Sub Lim , Kyung Cheol Choi* , Hyunsu Cho , T, "(Frontispiece/Best paper of AOM in 2013) Blur-free outcoupling enhancement in transparent organic light emitting diodes: a nanostructure extracting surface plasmon modes ", Advanced Optical Materials, 1, 10, 2013, 687-691, October, Published


Kukjoo Kim , Seong Min Lee , Yun Seon Do , Sung Il Ahn , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Enhanced photoluminescence from zinc oxide by plasmonic resonance of reduced graphene oxide ", Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 7, 2013, 74903, August, Published


Jin Yeong Kim , Sun Young Cho , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "(Best paper of JID in 2013) Analysis and structure optimization of nanostructure-embedded organic light-emitting diodes ", Journal of Information Display, 14, 2, 2013, 73-77, June, Published


S.M.Lee , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Distance-Dependent Plasmonic Enhancement via Radiative Transitions of Europium Complex ", Optics Letters, 38, 8, 2013, 1355-1357, April, Published


Eungtaek Kim , Yuncheol Han , Woohyun Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi , Hyeon-Gyun Im , Byeong-Soo Bae, " Thin Film Encapsulation for Organic Light Emitting Diodes Using a Multi-barrier Composed of MgO Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition and Hybrid Materials ", Organic Electronics, 14, 7, 2013, 1737-1743, April, Published


Jin Yeong Kim, Chung Sock Choi, Woo Hyun Kim, Dong Young Kim, Do Hong Kim, and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Extracting optical modes of organic light-emitting diodes using quasi-periodic WO3 nanoislands ", Optics Express, 21, 5, 2013, 5424-5431, March, Published


Yun Cheol Han , Eungtaek Kim , Woohyun Kim , Hyeon-Gyun Im , Byeong-soo Bae and Kyung Cheol Choi, "A flexible moisture barrier comprised of a SiO2-embedded organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposite and Al2O3 for thin-film encapsulation of OLEDs ", Organic Electronics, 14, 6, 2013, 1435-1440, March, Published


Y.S.Do , J.H.Park , B.Y.Hwang , S.M.Lee , B.K.Ju , K.C.Choi, "(Front Cover Paper/Best paper of AOM in 2013) Plasmonic color filter and its fabrication for large area applications ", Advanced Optical Materials, 1, 2, 2013, 133-138, February, Published


H.J.Lee , T.H. Park , J.H.Choi , E.H.Song , S.J.Shin , H.Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi , Y.W. Park , B.-K. , "Negative mold transfer patterned conductive polymer electrode for flexible organic light-emitting diodes ", Organic Electronics, 13, 1, 2013, 416-422, January, Published


S.M.Lee , Y.K.Kim , M.K.Kim , H.B.Park , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Nanoplasmon-enhanced light emitter for AC plasma display panels with large-scalability ", IEEE Transactions on Eelectron Devices, 59, 10, 2012, 2727-2734, October, Published


K.H.Cho , Kyung Cheol Choi , J-H.Kim , Y.-H.Cho, "Photoexcitations from intrachain and interchain excitons of surface plasmon mediated conjugated polymers for PLED ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 8, 8, 2012, 439-443, August, Published


S.M.Lee , M.C.Kim and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Dependency of plasmonic enhancement on the refractive index of dielectric bottom layer of Ag nanoparticles ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24, 11, 2012, 882-884, June, Published


C.Jang , K.J.Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Flexible photoluminescent display fabricated with low-temperature process using PET substrates ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 8, 5, 2012, 250-255, May, Published


K.H.Cho , J.Y.Kim , D.-G.Choi , K.-J.Lee , J.-H.Choi , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Surface plasmon-waveguide hybrid polymer light-emitting devices using hexagonal Ag dots ", Optics Letters, 37, 5, 2012, 761-763, March, Published


S.M.Lee , D.H Kim , D.Y.Jeon , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Nanoplasmon-enhanced transparent plasma display devices ", Small, 8, 9, 2012, 1350-1354, March, Published


C.S.Choi , S.-M.Lee , M.S.Lim , Kyung Cheol Choi , D.Kim , D.Y.Jeon , Y.Yang , O.O.Park, "Improved light extraction efficiency in organic light emitting diodes with a perforated WO3 hole injection layer fabricated by use of colloidal lithography ", OPTICS EXPRESS, 20, S2, 2012, A309-A317, March, Published


S.I.Ahn , W.K.Kim , S.H.Ryu , K.J.Kim , S.E.Lee , S.-H.Kim , J.-C.Park , Kyung Cheol Choi, "OLED with a controlled molecular weight of the PVK (poly(9-vinylcarbazole)) formed by a reactive ink-jet process ", Organic Electronics, 13, 6, 2012, 980-984, March, Published


S.-M Lee , C.S.Choi , H.-C.Lee , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Low resistive transparent and flexible ZnO/Ag/ZnO/Ag/WO3 electrode for organic light-emitting diodes ", Organic Electronics, 13, 9, 2012, 1654-1659, March, Published


S.H.Oh , S-M Lee , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Relationship between surface plasmon and transmittance enhancement in Indium-tin-oxide/Ag/Indium-tin-oxide multilayer electrodes ", Thin Solid Films, 520, 9, 2012, 3605-3608, February, Published


Y.W.Yeo , K.H.Cho , J.Y.Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Simulation of surface plasmon coupled conjugated polymer for polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs) ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 8, 2, 2012, 65-69, February, Published


C.Jang , K.J.Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Toward Flexible Transparent Plasma Display: Optical Characteristics of Low-temperature Fabricated Organic-based Display Structure ", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 33, 1, 2012, 74-76, January, Published


C.Jang , S.M.Lee , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Optical characteristics of YVO4:Eu3+ phosphor in close proximity to Ag nanofilm: emitting layer for mirror-type displays ", OPTICS EXPRESS, 20, 3, 2012, 2143-2148, January, Published


J.H.We , H.B.Lee , S.J.Gim , G.S.Kim , K.J.Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi , O.J.Sul , and B.J.Cho, "Development of a Measurement Method for the Thermal Conductivity of a Thick Film Prepared by a Screen-Printing Technique ", Journal of Electronic Materials, 41, 6, 2012, 1170-1176, January, Published


S.M.Lee , W.H.Kim , and Kyung Cheol Choi, "Localized Surface Plasmon Coupled Photoluminescence of Divalent Europium Complex with Silver Nanoparticles ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23, 19, 2011, 1415-1417, October, Published


J.Y.Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Improvement in Outcoupling Efficiency and Image Blur of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes by Using Imprinted Microlens Arrays ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 7, 7, 2011, 377-381, July, Published


S.M.Lee , Kyung Cheol Choi , D.H.Kim , and D.Y.Jeon, "Localized surface plasmon enhanced cathodoluminescence from Eu3+-doped phosphor near the nanoscaled silver particles ", Optics Express, 19, 14, 2011, 13209-13217, July, Published


E.S.Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi, "Numerical Analysis of Micro-plasma Generated in the Plasma Display Pixel with an Auxiliary Electrode ", IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, 39, 6, 2011, 1500-1506, June, Published


H.B.Lee , J.H.We , H.J.Yang , K.J. Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi , and B.J.Cho, "Thermoelectric properties of screen-printed ZnSb film ", Thin Solid Films, 519, 16, 2011, 5441-5443, June, Published


T.H.Park , Y.W.Park , J.H.Choi , H.J.Choi , J.-W. Jeong , E.H.Song , Kyung Cheol Choi , B.K.Ju, "Contact printing of the emitting layer for high performance multilayered phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes ", Organic Electronics, 12, 6, 2011, 1063-1067, June, Published


Y.C.Han , C.Jang , K.J.Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi , K.H.Jung , B.-S.Bae, "The encapsulation of an organic light-emitting diode using organic–inorganic hybrid materials and MgO ", Organic Electronics, 12, 4, 2011, 609-613, April, Published


S.M. Lee , S.H.Oh , K.C.Choi, "Highly Transparent SU-8 Photoresist Barrier Rib for a Transparent ac Plasma Display Panel ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 7, 1, 2011, 40-43, January, Published


H.B.Lee , H.J.Yang , J.H.We , K.J.Kim , Kyung Cheol Choi , and B.J.Cho, "Thin Film Thermoelectric Module for Power Generator Applications using a Screen Printing Method ", Journal of Electronic Materials, 40, 5, 2011, 615-619, January, Published


S.H.Kim , C.Jang , K.J.Kim , S.I.Ahn , K.C.Choi, "Improvement of Reliability of a Flexible Photoluminescent Display using Organic-Based Materials ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 57, 12, 2010, 3370-3376, December, Published


S.M. Lee , C.S.Choi , K.C.Choi, "Effects of Auxiliary Electrode Width in ac Plasma Display Panels with Auxiliary Electrodes ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 6, 12, 2010, 607-613, December, Published


K.H.Cho , S.I.Ahn , S.M.Lee , C.S.Choi , K.C.Choi, "Surface Plasmonic Controllable Enhanced Emission from the Intrachain and Interchain Excitons of a conjugated polymer ", Applied Physics Letters, 97, 19, 2010, 193306-1 - 193306-3, November, Published


S.M. Lee , S.H.Oh , S.H.Kim , K.C.Choi, "Glass Barrier Ribs for a Transparent AC Plasma Display ", JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, 18, 10, 2010, 717-720, October, Published


W.H.Kim , K.H.Cho , K.C.Choi, "Influence of Gold Nanoparticles on the Characteristics of Plasma Display Panels ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 57, 10, 2010, 2644-2650, October, Published


K.H.Cho , S.I.Ahn , S.M.Lee , K.C.Choi, "The Effect of Disordered Micro-scale Holes in the Front Dielectric Layer of AC Plasma Display Panels ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 57, 9, 2010, 2183-2189, September, Published


K.Y.Yang , C.W.Ahn , I.S.Kang , K.C.Choi, "Surface plasmon resonance enhanced photoconductivity in Cu nanoparticle films ", OPTICS EXPRESS, 18, 16, 2010, 16379-16386, August, Published


H.Cha , S.I.Ahn , K.C.Choi, "An Inkjet Printing Method: Drop and Synthesis (DAS) Application to the synthesis of ZnS:Mn nano phosphor with a pattern ", Current Applied Physics, 10, 4, 2010, 109-112, June, Published


S.I.Ahn , S.E.Lee , W.H.Lee , S.H.Park , K.C.Choi, "Enhanced Cathodoluminescence from ZnS based phosphor with self-assembled ZnO nano-structures ", Chemical Physics Letters, 493, 1-3, 2010, 113-117, June, Published


S.M.Lee , K.C.Choi, "Enhanced emission from BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ by localized surface plasmon resonance of silver particles ", OPTICS EXPRESS, 18, 12, 2010, 12144-12152, May, Published


C.Jang , K.C.Choi, "An Investigation of the Temporal Dark Image Sticking Phenomenon in an AC Plasma Display Panel with and Auxiliary Electrode ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 38, 2, 2010, 106-112, February, Published


S.M.Lee , C.S.Choi , C.Jang , K.C.Choi, "Study on Pulse Waveforms for Improving Voltage Margin and Luminous Efficacy in an AC Plasma Display Panel Having Auxiliary Electrodes ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 57, 1, 2010, 215-221, January, Published


S.M.Lee , C.Jang , K.H.Cho , K.C.Choi, "Analysis of the driving characteristics and the reduced time-lag for an ac plasma display with an auxiliary electrode using the voltage transfer closed surface ", JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, 17, 11, 2009, 883-890, November, Published


C.S.Choi , S.-M.Lee , K.H.Cho , K.C.Choi, "Effects Of Various Sustain Electrode Gaps on the Discharge Characteristics of an AC PDP With an Auxiliary Electrode ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 37, 10, 2009, 2074-2081, October, Published


T.H.Park , Y.M.Kim , Y.W.Park , J.H.Choi , J.-W.Jeong , K.C.Choi , B.-K. Ju, "Self-assembled microarray of organic light-emitting diodes using a self-assembled monolayer by microcontact printing ", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 95, 11, 2009, 113310, September, Published


J.H.Mun , S.H.Kim , K.C.Choi, "AC Microplasma Device With a Cylindrical Hollow Electrode for Improving Luminous Efficacy ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 56, 9, 2009, 1930-1934, September, Published


T.H.Park , Y.M.Kim , Y.W.Park , J.H.Choi , J.-W. Jeong , K.Y.Dong , K.C.Choi , B.-K.Ju, "Micro-pixel array of organic light-emitting diodes applying imprinting technique with a polymer replica ", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 95, 9, 2009, 093301, August, Published


S.-M.Lee , C.S.Choi , S.H.Kim , K.C.Choi, "Advanced Discharge Modes in an AC Plasma Display Panel with an Auxiliary Electrode ", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 106, 2, 2009, 023304, July, Published


K.Y.Yang , C.W.Ahn , K.C.Choi, "Surface plasmon-enhanced energy transfer in an organic light-emitting device structure ", OPTICS EXPRESS, 17, 14, 2009, 11495-11504, July, Published


S.I.Ahn , S.E.Lee , Y.-H.Cho , G.R.Kim , S.-M.Lee , K.C.Choi, "Injection of carriers from a ZnO nano-structured shell to a ZnS based microsphere core ", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 95, 2, 2009, 022108, July, Published


K.Y.Yang , K.C.Choi , C.W.Ahn, "Surface plasmon-enhanced spontaneous emission rate in an organic light-emitting device structure: cathode structure for plasmonic application ", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 94, 17, 2009, 173301, April, Published


S.H.Ryu , S.I.Ahn , S.E.Lee , S.K.Kwon , K.C.Choi, "The Discharging Characteristics of Spin-Coated MgO Thin Films with Li Dopant in a Flat Fluorescent Lamp Structure ", MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS, 499, 1, 2009, 205-212, February, Published


S.H.Kim , J.H.Mun , K.C.Choi, "Study on the Discharge Modes of the Microplasma Generated in a Plasma Display with an Auxiliary Electrode ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 37, 2, 2009, 327-333, February, Published


S.I.Ahn , S.E.Lee , S.H.Ryu , K.C.Choi , S.J.Kwon , H.Uchiike, "A study on the secondary electron emission from Na-ion-doped MgO films in relation to the discharge characteristics of plasma display panels ", THIN SOLID FILMS, 517, 5, 2009, 1706-1709, January, Published


C.Jang , K.C.Choi, "Improved discharge time lag of address pulse in an ACPDP with auxiliary electrodes ", JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, 16, 12, 2008, 1259-1267, December, Published


J.H.Mun , S.H.Kim , K.C.Choi, "Wall Charges and Transition Voltage of Microplasma Modes in Plasma Devices With an Auxiliary Electrode ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 55, 11, 2008, 3143-3149, November, Published


Y.W.Park , Y.M.Kim , J.H.Choi , J.W.Huh , K.C.Choi , B.K.Ju, "Diffusion characteristics and Induced Electronic Channels of Magnesium in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes ", JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY , 8, 11, 2008, 4958-4961, October, Published


S.I.Ahn , S.E.Lee , K.W.Cho , K.C.Choi, "Use of zeolites in the capture of charged particles from plasma ", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 93, 7, 2008, 071507, August, Published


Sung Il Ahn, Seong Eui Lee, Sun Ho Kim, Kwan Hyun Cho and Kyung Cheol Choi , "Use of zeolites in the capture of charged particles from plasma ", Applied Physics Letters , 93, 7, 2008, 071507, August, Published


K.C.Choi , C.Jang , J.B.Yun, "Driving Characteristics of a High Efficacy AC Plasma Display Panel with an Auxiliary Electrode ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 55, 6, 2008, 1338-1344, June, Published


Y.S.Do , S.H.Kim , K.C.Choi, "A Study on Measurement Technique of Image Retention in AC Plasma Display Panels ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 4, 2, 2008, 238-244, June, Published


K.H.Cho , S.-M.Lee , K.C.Choi, "Wall Voltage and Priming Effect due to Auxiliary Electrode in AC PDP with Auxiliary Electrode ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 35, 5, 2007, 1567-1573, October, Published


S.I.Ahn , S.H.Ryu , S.E.Lee , S.H.Moon , K.C.Choi, "The effect of potassium doped MgO films on discharge characteristics in AC Plasma Display Panel ", JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 46, 6, 2007, 3579-3582, June, Published


S.H.Kim , J.H.Mun , K.C.Choi , S.E.Lee, "The Effect of the Auxiliary Electrode on the Microplasma generated in a Plasma Display with a Coplanar-gap ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 35, 3, 2007, 650-655, June, Published


K.C.Choi , N.H.Shin , S.C.Song , J.H.Lee , S.D.Park, "A New AC Plasma Display Panel with Auxiliary Electrode for High Luminous Efficacy ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 54, 2, 2007, 210-218, February, Published


K.C.Choi , S.H.Kim , B.J.Shin , J.Kang , K.-Y.Choi , E.-H.Yoo, "Effects of Kr, N2 , and Ar on Address Discharge Time Lag in AC Plasma Display Panel with High Xenon content ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 53, 9, 2006, 2410-2413, September, Published


K.C.Choi , B.J.Kim , B.J.Shin, "Investigation of Wall and Space Charges Decay using Pulse Technique in AC Plasma Display Panel ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 34, 2, 2006, 403-408, April, Published


K.C.Choi , N.H.Shin , K.S.Lee , B.J.Shin , S.E.Lee, "Study of Various coplanar gaps Discharge in AC Plasma Display Panel ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 34, 2, 2006, 385-389, April, Published


H.-B.Park , S.E.Lee , G.Y.Kim , Y.D.Lee , K.C.Choi, "Effect of dual coplanar electrodes on mecury-free flat fluorescent lamp for Liquid Crystal Display ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 2, 1, 2006, 60-66, March, Published


B.J.Shin , K.C.Choi , Y.S.Roh, "Dependence of a Wall voltage variation on priming effects during a reset discharge in an AC plasma display panel ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 52, 12, 2005, 2824-2826, December, Published


S.E.Lee , H.N.Lee , H.B.Park , K.S.Lee , K.C.Choi, "Effect of helium addition on discharge characteristics in a flat fluorescent lamp ", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 98, 9, 2005, 093306, November, Published


B.J.Shin , K.C.Choi , H.S.Tae , S.S.Park, "Characteristics of an Address discharge in an AC Plasma Display Panel ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 33, 4, 2005, 1426-1430, August, Published


B.J.Shin , K.C.Choi , K.W.Whang, "Characteristics of a Wall voltage during sustain voltage in AC Plasma Display Panel ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 33, 2, 2005, 964-968, April, Published


B.J.Shin , K.C.Choi , H.S.Tae , J.H.Seo , J.Y.Kim , J.W.Han, "Case studies on temperature-dependent Characteristics in AC PDPs ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 33, 1, 2005, 162-168, February, Published


B.J.Shin , K.C.Choi , J.H.Seo, "Effect of Pre-Reset Condition on Reset Discharge from Ramp Reset Waveforms in AC Plasma Display Panel ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 52, 1, 2005, 17-22, January, Published


K.C.Choi , H.J.Kim , B.J.Shin, "The Effect of the Discharge Aging Process on the Surface State of MgO in AC PDPs ", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 51, 8, 2004, 1241-1244, August, Published


K.C.Choi , B.J.Rhee , H.N.Lee, "Characteristics of charged & metastable species in micro-discharges of AC plasma display panel ", IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, 31, 3, 2003, 329-332, June, Published


K.C.Choi , H.J.Cho, "Improved Luminance and Luminous Efficiency of AC plasma display panel ", IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, 29, 2, 2003, 253-256, May, Published


K. C. Choi , B.J.Shin , K.W.Whang, "Improved Pulsed Memory dc Plasma display with High Frequency Auxiliary Anode Pulses ", Journal of the SID, 1, 3, 2003, 353, May, Published


K.C.Choi , B.J.Baek , H.S.Tae , H.D.Park, "Plasma Display Panel with Ne + N2 Gas-Mixture Discharges ", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 50, 6, 2003, 1440-1444, January, Published


S.H. Jang , K.D.Cho , H.S.Tae , K.C.Choi, "Improvement of luminance and luminous efficiency using address voltage pulse during sustain-period of AC-PDP ", IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 48, 9, 2001, 1903-1910, September, Published


H.S.Tae , K.D.Duck , S.H.Jang , K.C.Choi, "Improvement in the luminous efficiency using ramped-square sustain waveform in an AC surface-discharge plasma display panel ", IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 48, 7, 2001, 1469-1472, July, Published


S.H.Jang , H.S.Tae , J.H.Lee , K.C. Choi, "Effect of plasma emission on optical properties of phosphor layers in surface type alternate current plasma display panel ", Journal of Applied Physics, 87, 5, 2000, 2073-2075, January, Published


K.C. Choi, "A New DC Plasma Display Panel using Microbridge Structure and Hollow Cathode Discharge ", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 46, 11, 1999, 2256-2260, November, Published


K. C. Choi , H.S. Tae, "The Characteristics of Plasma Display Panel with the cylindrical hollow cathode ", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 46, 12, 1999, 2344-2347, January, Published


K.C. Choi , G. Saville , S. C. Lee, "Microbridge Plasma Display Panel with High gas pressure ", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 45, 6, 1998, 1356-1360, June, Published


K.C.Choi, "Microdischarge in microbridge plasma display with holes in the cathode ", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 19, 6, 1998, 186-188, June, Published


K. C.Choi , K.W.Whang, "Numerical analysis of the microdischarge in a DC plasma display panel by 2-dimensional multifluid equations ", IEEE.Trans. Plasma Science, 23, 3, 1995, 399-404, June, Published


K.C.Choi , B.J.Shin , K.W.Whang, " Improved Pulsed Memory dc Plasma display with High Frequency Auxiliary Anode Pulses ", Journal of the SID, 1, 3, 1993, 353-358, January, Published